Fr. Michel Rodrigue and the Apocalypse
With update March 29, 2023
Many of Fr. Michel Rodrigue's prophesies are consistent with others in the prophetic consensus who say we are heading towards the biblical apocalypse, The Warning, extreme Christian persecution, digital tracking, time of refuges, and the reign of the antichrist. Here at Catholic Bridge, we think the biblical apocalypse is imminent. What is different between Fr. Michel and others in the prophetic consensus are the dramatic specifics that Fr. Michel has provided and his personal experiences.
Some faithful Catholics believe Fr. Michel Rodrigue is the Apostle of the End Times. Others, such as Bishop Gilles Lemay, who has authority over him, "disavows" (but does not condemn or forbid) the message. Fr. Michel says he has heard from Jesus, St. John, Our Lady, St. Joseph, the Archangel Gabriel and many others. This is a rapidly developing situation. Below is a summary of his messages. Then we discuss the situation with his current Bishop. We are asking the body of Christ to discern Fr. Michel.
From a theological position we have not found any errors in what Fr. Michel has prophesied. Although his claim of meeting the Pope John Paul II doesn't align with normal Vatican protocol, and his prophesies about Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI don't align with canonical process.
His moral teachings on marriage, life, and sexuality, adhere to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and his condemnation of abuses of the Eucharist is strong. We found some of his statements very compelling, such as "St. Joseph is the Restrainer" (Thess. 2:1-13) and his interpretation of Our Lady of Knock.
His experiences listed at the end of this article can raise eyebrows, and he has made no effort to authenticate them to well meaning discerning Catholics, nor did he respond to our letter to his organization, asking authentication for any of these experiences, which we find disappointing. We submit ourselves to any determination made by the Church, which at this point does not appear to be investigating one way or the other.
With Pope Emeritus Benedict's passing, a major plank in Fr. Michel's prophesy has not come true.
UPDATE: May 31, 2023
Fr. Michel was interviewed on a Catholic podcast. It has almost 140,000 views so there is still a lot of interest in Fr. Michel. He was asked about his childhood, and he shared about multiple miracles as a kid, like when he brought a woman back to life, etc. We've asked his office for corroboration of any of his supernatural experiences which are listed at the end of this article and we received no response. The video was also a fundraiser for Fr. Michel, with the address for donations provided.
Fr. Michel repeated that the antichrist will be chosen from the college of cardinals. He brought up the La Sallette prophesies. La Sallette is an interesting apparition. My wife and I have pilgrimaged to the Basilica in France and it was very moving. There is no doubt an authentic component to the apparitions, which have been approved by the Bishop. However, its a messy situation. The 1851, five years after the apparitions, Melanie Calvat, one of the visionaries wrote three hand-written pages for the bishop, which contains approved messages. She produced a booklet 28 years later, in 1879, which was not approved, and this is what Fr. Michel is referring to.
Fr. Michel says the next pandemic will be a killer. He said St. Joseph and Pope Benedict were the Restrainer in Thess. 2:7.
He spoke about "the warning" and the rest of his messages below. His tone was more conciliatory than the previous message on March 29, 2023.
UPDATE: March 29, 2023
Fr. Michel was interviewed on a popular video blog with his advocate, lay theologian Xavier Ayralhe, who wrote a book that provided Fr. Rodrigue's prophesies. Here is a summary of Mr. Ayralhe's comments:
- The prophesy about Francis and Benedict was supposed to be a "secret" and was published without consent "in violation of Fr. Michel's trust".
- Faithful people changed the outcome of the prophesy through prayer and reparation, like in the Book of Jonas.
- Catholic media engaged in a "campaign" of condemnation, criticism, animosity, vigor, and "stone throwing" against him, the same type of unjust treatment that Padre Pio experienced.
- Fr. Michel has been quiet and turned the other cheek to these attacks.
- Catholic websites are not official representatives for the Church and don't have a right to make this determination against the prophesy.
Show text of Xavier Ayralhe comments
There was a prophesy [About the martyrdom of Pope Francis and Benedict] that Fr. Rodrigues received in private and which he repeated to some parties in sheer confidence with the sheer condition that they would maintain this particular prophesy a secret. This was an absolute requisite. And Fr. Rodrigues was assured it would remain a secret. Now this was, I cannot express this enough, a secret, not to be repeated or drawn or written and it was promised that it would not be [published]... [however] it was [published]. And at the end of the year when Pope Benedict passed away, immediately a battalion of critics fell upon Fr. Rodrigues, without giving him a chance to respond, without trying to understand what on earth could have changed the course of events ...those of us who have studied or been involved in Marian apparitions know that prophesies change constantly ... decrees issued by God change because of the responses of humanity... Book of Jonas... it was decreed that Nineveh would be pulverized, leveled ... what was decreed by God was changed. In all this tornado, this campaign, the thing that surprised me the most was the vigor, animosity, the unjustness of those who attack, criticize, condemn, take a stone in their hand and throw them at Father ... Father Michel turned the other cheek and prayed for his opponents.
In this interview Fr. Michel said:
"When I was in California I had this retreat time with the people, and I shared that [prophesy] as an intimate sharing with the people. But somebody reported it and put it on the web but at that moment I had not given permission for that. . . a prophesy is for people to pray and when the thing doesn't arrive, we have to rejoice, because our prayer has been heard and the Father, Son and Holy Spirit want to save the world."
We don't have inside knowledge of whether Fr. Michel provided permission to publish the "secret" prophesies. Here's what is public knowledge:
- The retreat was well attended and was part of a series of tours in Canada and the US, voluntarily conducted by Fr. Michel that began over 4 years ago.
- There were two professional quality cameras on tripods in plain view which videotaped the entire 6 hour retreat.
- Fr. Michel had a wireless microphone directly on his person which was hooked up to the video camera (or the sound system).
- There is no indication that Fr. Michel was uncomfortable with the recording.
- The videos were online for more than two years with over a million views.
- Fr. Michel presented this prophesy about the martyrdom of Pope Emeritus Benedict and Pope Francis on camera to a large Catholic audience without qualifying it as a "secret", or speculative, or conditional.
- The only public statement we are aware of, that they were supposed to be a "secret" was made two years after the prophesies were posted and after they failed.
- Contact information for where to direct donations to Fr. Michel's monastery was on the website that published the videos.
- There was apparent friendly communication between the media outlet and Fr. Rodrigues, after the videos went viral, with over a million views.
- The construction of the monastery was completed, indicating that sufficient funds were raised.
- Regarding Fr. Michel's camparison of this situation to the Book of Jonas. There has been no significant turning back to God by the bad actors in the Vatican who are playing into the "Great Reset" under Pope Francis, nor have there been significant new intercessory movements on their behalf as a result of this prophesy. So we don't think this Bible story adequately explains why Fr. Michel's prophesies didn't happen.
- Regarding the comparison of Fr. Michel to Padre Pio, we claim no expertise in Padre Pio, but we don't believe Padre Pio went on tour and shared his supernatural experiences. It was always others who talked about Padre Pio's bilocations etc, whereas Fr. Michel is the only source we have for the supernatural experiences listed at the end of this article. Any evidence that any of these experiences happened would be greatly appreciated and would go a long way towards encouraging the faithful.
- We haven't seen the online "stone throwing" about these failed prophesies that Mr. Ayralhe describes in this interview. The Catholic media we have seen has been quite courteous in its assessment of the situation. It was a prophesy presented to the public followed by a public discussion online, all of this outside the official umbrella of the Church. It seemed to be fairly respectful, but maybe Mr. Ayralhe is referring to sites we haven't seen. His bishops seem to be more critical of the messages than the Catholic media, where some media outlets were very supportive until the prophesies failed.
In the same interview Fr. Michel shared
Now because of this storm, I am retired from public ministry ...Bishops have left me on a floating space. I will return with a Canon lawyer and I will ask that they will refresh everything and finalize [my order of priests]. Because of this storm everything is blocked now for me. Although I can still receive people at my monastery and celebrate mass here. I'm still a priest.
We're sorry Fr. Rodrigues is having these experiences. He has been touring with this message for at least 4 years, and its natural that there will be a lot of noise as the faithful try to discern these messages. Some have correctly predicted, that like most alleged prophets, whose prophesies don't come to pass, Fr. Michel will say the scenarios have been fullfilled in some other way or delayed or averted because of people's actions, such as prayer.
UPDATE January, 2023:
With Pope Emeritus Benedict's passing, a major plank in Fr. Michel's prophesy has failed.
Pope Francis will flee the Vatican before the Warning (and be killed) and there will be a false pope (false prophet). Pope Emeritus Benedict will try to call a council, but will be a martyr.
Fr. Michel also prophesied that St. Joseph was the "Restrainer" in Thess. 2:7, and that after the liturgical year of St. Joseph, which ended in December 2021, the world would collapse in apocalyptic fashion. While the world is moving generally towards the reign of the antichrist, the year 2022 was less chaotic than 2021, and certainly not apocalyptic in events. So this specific prophesy about the year of St. Joseph being the biblical restraining force has also failed.
Most Catholic prophetic websites have removed Fr. Michel's content.
UPDATE January 31, 2022:
We have a close friend who spent several hours with Fr. Michel at his monastery, in October 2021. We have added the core points of that meeting to the list below. At the end of this article we provide a summary of the meeting, which the person meeting him gave us permission to post.
UPDATE October, 2021:
Fr. Michel Rodrigue sent a message to Daniel O'Connor, where he claims that the Angel Gabriel gave him a specific message in March of 2021. We include the major points of that message below. Fr. Michel has been in reclusion in Quebec with about 20 supporters for over a year, after receiving more than a million views on YouTube and making popular speaking tours. They are preparing for the times he has prophesied, with very little outside contact. He claims he has said what he needed to say to the world.
Fr. Michel Rodrigue prophesies that are specific
The biggest distinguishing factor of Fr. Rodriguez's message from Church approved messages about the Apocalypse is the specificity on the timing and details about the Apocalypse. He's saying the time is now! He claims the following:
- St. Gabriel told Fr. Michel in a dream that St. Joseph kept Jesus and Mary safe in Nazareth before Jesus' public ministry by his humility and quiet covering. He blended his family into the fabric of Nazareth without letting anyone know who Jesus and Mary were. St. Joseph is the restrainer found in Thessalonians 2:1-13 who has been holding back the full scale calamity in 2021. It was God's will that the Vatican proclaim Dec 8, 2020 - Dec. 8, 2021 the year of St. Joseph and it delayed the collapse of the world. Soon after Dec. 8, 2021, when the year of St. Joseph ends, there will be huge crisis in society and the persecution will be full strength upon the remnant Church. There will be huge scandals and accusations against Catholic Church.
- He says St. Joseph was part of the visions at our Lady of Knock because of his role in the end times, and St. John is there to represent an apostle who "is the antithesis of the one who betrayed Jesus" (perhaps referencing the current problems in the hierarchy). John is reading chastisements in the Book of Revelation, which indicates what is coming on the world. He says our Lady said "The Church will be sacrificed as my son was".
- NOTE: Interestingly, Pope Francis elevated Our Lady of Knock to international status in 2021.
- Masks are a masquerade, they cover up the truth and prevent truth from being proclaimed. The Church cannot allow itself to fall in line with/under civil authorities. The spirit of compromise is what has prevented priests from standing up for the truth. They need to fight against masks and all that hinders the sacraments, which masks do.
- The "v" passports mandated by Governments are not the Mark of the Beast but they are part of the overall infrastructure that will become the Mark. So those who have had the shot, should carefully consider next steps and subsequent steps. At some point they'll have to jump off the system. After the warning, those who repent in confession will be cured of any ill effects of the injections.
- "[The Father told me] ...You will build it [the second monastery] at the end of the mandate of Trump. This means that in 2020, you will have to build it.” This has been built.
- The smoke of satan entered the Church through the German bishops and with the Pachamama idol worship opening the Amazon Synod.
- Everything began to unravel after Christmas 2019.
- There will be political collapse.
- There will be a warning where:
- The whole world will see Jesus on the Cross in the sky with rays coming from his sacred wound where blood and water gushed forth as a font of mercy for us.
- Every soul will see their life sins that have not been confessed. If a soul is currently on its way to purgatory, hell or heaven they will experience this. There are others who who have said similar things, but so far there does not appear to be Church approval of any message that speaks of a simultaneous event where every person in the world will see their sins.
- Small tongues of fire will land on every soul during this process which will last about 15 minutes. Every soul will encounter Our Blessed Lord.
- There will be a phenomenon similar to the great 'shaking' of the sun at Fatima, followed by a [global vision] of St Joseph holding Jesus, then Our Lady of Sorrows, Our Lady of Mount Carmel (protection of refuges) and the Immaculate Heart of Mary (her triumph begins to unfold).
- After this event mankind will have 6 weeks of calm to get to confession and make a decision before all hell breaks loose on earth. All people will be shown the truth of Christ’s One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. Priests will spend day and night in the confessional.
- Priests will baptize 100's at a time and will be up day and night taking confessions.
- After the illumination, we will have 40 days and the refuges will begin. We need 3 months worth of food as all Catholics will be a temporary refuge until everyone gets to the permanent refuge.
- The guardian angels of faithful souls will guide them to places of refuge with a flame in front of them.
- The Holy Spirit will hide the refuge communities supernaturally from persecution
- Once the Warning happens TVs must be thrown out. The media will tell people that this event had to do with the rays and radiation of the sun. That will be a lie. Christians will not be able to use any communication technology such as computers and smart phones. All tech will be used against Christians.
- The one world order will commence immediately and the army for the one world order is already in place waiting orders
- After the 6 week relief nuclear war will happen and 7 nuclear missiles will be permitted to strike the US as a result of abominations. Many nuclear missiles will be deflected by the Hand of God because America does pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet. He claims this was told to him by the Eternal Father.
- The devil will kill one third of humanity just as one third of the angels were cast out of heaven to hell.
- The Antichrist will take his throne within the false church, and will reign from within "the church" and most will think he is the pope. But he won't be.
- Pope Francis will flee the Vatican before the Warning (and be killed) and there will be a false pope (false prophet). Pope Emeritus Benedict will try to call a council, but will be a martyr.
- There will be a required mark to buy and sell and those who do not take it will be hunted like the SS hunted Jews during the second world war. If you are captured you will be tortured and martyred if you will not convert to the Antichrist and the one world government.
- This will all precede the Three Days of Darkness.
- Satan will be cast to hell for 1000 years and then released for one final battle.
Note: It seems there is a fair amount of misinformation about Fr. Michel on the internet. Some sources claimed that Fr. Michel said the Warning would be in October 2020, but Fr. Michel said he doesn't know when the warning would take place and that the Father hasn't told him. He only has personal opinions, nothing he claims to be prophetic.
Fr. Michel is telling people to prepare in this way:
- Go to confession at least once a month to be prepared.
- We should have a 3 month supply of food in our home.
- Consecrate our homes to the Holy Family. Our homes will be a temporary refuge until the Holy Spirit guides us to a permanent refuge. All we need will be provided at the refuges that we will be guided to if one surrenders to God.
- Press into Jesus because he is the most important refuge
- Don't be excessively focused on survivalism but rather prepare spiritually
If Fr. Michel is a true prophet, he would be presenting to the world the most dramatic inner locutions of all of history but as of Dec 2021, with Pope Emeritus Benedict's death, we would say the specifics of his prophesy are not of supernatural origin.
Some things that Fr. Michel has prophesied have come true
- It appears he made a prophesy that things would unravel after Christmas 2019. The world experienced COVID and closed churches etc. soon after Christmas 2019.
- He says the Father told him "...You will build it [your second monastery] at the end of the mandate of Trump. This means that in 2020, you will have to build it.” He wrote this when few people predicted a Biden win.
- The Black Lives Matters riots and the (rather meek) storming of the Senate on Jan 6th by Trump supporters, shows the beginning of civil unrest.
- The "Great Reset" looks to be the beginning of the One World Government and it was featured on the cover of Time Magazine.
- The "v" mandates certainly appear to have the hallmarks of the beginning of something that looks like the Mark of the Beast which is necessary to buy/sell and participate in society.
- We'll add more here as it develops... and if any other prophesies come true.
Some things that Fr. Michel has prophesied have come NOT true
- Fr. Michel prophesied that Benedict would die after Pope Francis, a martyr's death after trying to call a council. Pope Emeritus Benedict died before Pope Francis. He did not attempt to call a council and he did not die a martyrs death.
Convergence with circumstances, other prophesies and the Bible
There is a strong convergence of circumstances and Bible prophesies that may point to an apocalypse.
Fr. Michel's Bishops
The book "The Warning. Testimonies and Prophecies of the Illumination of Conscience" says:“Michel Rodrigue receives the full support of his bishop, and all of his locutions and visions are submitted to his local ordinary for approval. (Note 84, p. 278 and p. 280)
Christin Watkins has dutifully removed this from the 2nd edition. This quotation was removed from the Countdown to the Kingdom website on a request by Fr. Michel after his Bishop wrote the following:
I have to tell you that Fr Michel never submitted to me any of his locutions and visions for discernment or approval. Accordingly, I could not have supported the content of his talks which are not presented in my diocese nor elsewhere in the Province of Quebec as far as I know, but mostly in the United States. Moreover, I learned about his teaching while reading some reports on the website mentioned above. I did not and I do not approve his teaching with regard to his locutions and visions. Consequently, it is untrue that he “receives the full support of his bishop” as it is written in the Countdown to the Kingdom website and in the quoted book. Source
The site Countdown to the Kingdom issued a statement based on a request by Fr. Michel to support his bishop's wishes:
On April 23rd, 2020, Fr. Michel Rodrigue informed us that his bishop, Rev. Gilles Lemay, does not support Fr. Michel’s messages; he stated to Fr. Michel, in writing, that he does not support the idea of “the Warning, the chastisements, the third World War, the Era of Peace, any construction of refuges, et cetera.” ... it remains true that the messages are nevertheless not condemned. There has been no formal inquiry into Fr. Michel’s locutions/visions etc. by the diocese and so, at this point, we are preserving them here on Countdown to The Kingdom (with Fr. Michel’s express permission) because our position regarding them remains unchanged; we continue to find them important to be discerned by the Body of Christ since they constitute part of the “prophetic consensus” of seers all over the world. We will as always, however, fully submit to any formal declarations the Church may pronounce in the future ... (Source was removed)
Bishop Lemay followed up on Sept 4, 2020 with this message which includes the following:
I would like to make it clear that he was never appointed official exorcist of the diocese ... I never approved of [the messages on Countdowntothekingdom]... I want to make it clear that I absolutely disagree with the prophesies ... on the aforementioned site (Ex. Warning, days of darkness Era of Peace, punishment, World War III Nuclear war in 2020, construction of shelters, etc.). To this total disavowal of Father Michel Rodrigue's messages and prophecies, I add that I withdraw my support and that of the Diocese of Amos from the Studium Saint-Joseph, founded on 2015 by Fr Michel Rodrigue and Simon Dufour. Finally, I would like to inform you that, since June 30, 2020, Father Michel Rodrigue's residence on our territory has become his only link with the Diocese of Amos. He has renounced his pastoral charge as pastor of the three parishes that I entrusted to him. He also renounced his membership in the Presbyteral Council and College of consultors. He also retired as an active priest in the diocese. He remains an incardinated priest in the Diocese of Hearst-Moosonee, Ontario... postal mail is our only means of communication with him. (source)
NOTE: Bishop Robert Bourgon of Hearst-Moosonee issued a supporting letter to Bishop Lemay on Sept 9. But again, no explicit condemnation.
Bishop Robert Bourgon resigns for the "good of the Church"
In November 2020, two months after issuing the letter "disavowing" Fr. Michel, Bishop Robert Bourgon resigned under criticism. He received an Apostolic visit after suspending two priests for fraud; but it appears they were innocent (based on the Vatican request for the Bishop's resignation). Source.
Fr. Michel responds to the letters by the Bishops
On September 26, 2020, Fr. Michel released an open letter in response clarifying that he was not an official exorcist for any diocese but that he always asked the bishop's permission when he was asked to perform these functions by those seeking help, which may be why the Bishop said he never appointed him "official" exorcist.
Show full text of Fr. Michel's letter
September 23, 2020
On the liturgical feast of Saint Padre Pio
After having read the public letter of September 3, 2020 published by Bishop Gilles Lemay from the Diocese of Amos, I would like to reiterate my fidelity to the teaching of the Catholic Church to all the faithful who read this letter. I have been a priest since June 2, 1989, incardinated in the diocese of Hearst. In May 2011, I met Bishop Gilles Lemay to share with him the spiritual experience of the call to found a semi-monastic fraternity currently known as the Apostolic Fraternity of Saint Benedict-Joseph Labre. I arrived in the diocese of Amos on August 1, 2011. According to the original verbal agreement, which was for a period of three years, I was appointed pastor of the Cathedral of Amos and of Christ the King parish on August 15, 2011. In September 2011, I also accepted the parish-mission of Pikogan. In 2014 at the request of the Bishop, I happily extended the cure for these same parishes for a period of two years. There, I met parishioners of great pastoral collaboration. It was on June 20, 2012, that the Bishop granted the Approval Decree of the Apostolic Fraternity Saint Benedict-Joseph Labre.
In 2016, I accepted the cure of the parishes of St-Félix-de-Dalquier, St-Dominique-du-Rosaire and Sacré-Coeur de Matagami, which according to the agreement, allowed for the development of the Apostolic Fraternity of Saint Benedict- Joseph Labre, located in St-Dominique-du-Rosaire. In 2019, I preached a spiritual retreat in California which was featured on the Countdown to the Kingdom website. Besides personal messages, the teaching given was based on the messages of the Virgin Mary approved by the Church and in accordance with the Catechism of the Catholic Church, article 7, no 668 to 682.
A confusion has crept into the understanding of this retreat concerning an approval by Bishop Gilles Lemay regarding the messages contained in these conferences. I myself had this confusion corrected. The owners of the Countdown to the Kingdom website have responded positively and put the comment on their website. I thank them very much.
Besides this, I never claimed that I was the exorcist of the Diocese of Amos. However, whenever I had to do a ministry in this area, I always asked for the approval of the Bishop. I know my pastoral and ecclesial responsibilities well. In regards to the Apostolic Fraternity of Saint Benedict-Joseph Labre, the project continues to grow and fulfill the Will of the Father in its trust placed in the Hearts of Jesus and of Mary. It is in the joy of the Holy Spirit that we grow together. Our address has not changed and our phone number is still the same. You will find all the information on our website As for the Studium St-Joseph, it remains online to meet the pressing needs for quality education. I reiterate my desire to collaborate with the Bishop, the Magisterium of the Church and to maintain a fraternal bond with all people of different circles here, in the United States and with people around the world who support us. Abitibi Témiscamingue was the privileged place for our foundation. In this beautiful region of Quebec, inhabited by people strong in the Holy Spirit, we are happy to be here and to stay here.
Thanks everyone, Michel Rodrigue, Fabl Superior of the Apostolic Fraternity of Saint-Benedict-Joseph Labre
c.c. Mgr Gilles Lemay, Bishop of Amos
c.c. Mgr Robert Bourgon, Bishop of Hearst-Moosonee
c.c. Father François Hamel, d.j.c.
There is no time for the Vatican to vet a prophesy that the apocalypse is about to take place
We at Catholic Bridge try to stay with magisterial sources, but according to Fr. Michel (and other prophetic voices) the 7 seals in the Book of Revelation will open soon, or have already begun to be opened. So we are left on our own to determine his credibility because the Vatican takes years to investigate these things. To that end, we think it is important to list some things Fr. Michel claims to have experienced and look for verification that these things actually happened. The Vatican would do this during an investigation.
We realize that true saints and prophets experience exceptional things. If you or anyone you know can send us any corroboration of these events, we'll be glad to post it here for discerning Catholics of good will. On September 27, 2020 we sent a request for corroboration of the following to Fr. Michel's personal email. An auto-reply said to send communications by postal mail which we have done. If there is any response to our letter we will provide it here. If you have any information that can help skeptical Catholics of good will discern these experiences, it would help the body of Christ:
- He was at a restaurant and got a pain in his foot that went up his leg, he thought he was having a heart attack. Walked across the street (on all 4s) to the hospital and said he thought he was having a heart attack. The doctor was Russian and said "oh my! This is not a heart attack, it's a biological weapon I created in Russia. I'm a refugee scientist, and I created this poison and I thought I had destroyed it all but here it is. I'll send you to Montreal to get treated." The doctor in Montreal said its a biological weapon and we have to inform the military. (source)
- He's driving and a crowbar came at him as if from outer space at his windshield. An angel swatted it down and it hit his bumper, should have killed him. The effective damage on bumper was minimal (source)
- He's had 8 heart attacks.
- He is the youngest of 23 kids in the family
- The family burned down the house intentionally, because it was haunted by the devil. His mother sent him in at 10 years old to light the fire which he claimed almost killed him.
- He talked to the pope while there was a decoy vehicle with a fake pope pulling up to the Vatican. The pope was unguarded and there are no photos of the encounter.
- He was a kid with a bunch of friends, on a horse and a bear followed him. The horse went on 2 legs and he had to hold the mane and got away, but when he came back the bear was still there so he ran under a fence and the bear jumped OVER the same fence simultaneously and they missed each other. (Source)
- He had a heart attack and the ambulance came. One of the ambulance attendants started swearing at him (he was possessed). The other ambulance drivers and doctors told him to stop. He said "I want to go to hell". Fr. Michel said "then burn" and later found out the possessed man was burning, his clothes burned off, everything he touch burned. He was burning the mattress. He saw Fr. Michel again and was burning. He said "I don't want to go back to hell". He did confession and absolution. Fr. Michel cast out the devil and healed him. Three months later, Fr. Michel went to a concert with priest who didn't believe in the devil. Exactly at that time the ambulance driver who was delivered from satan showed up and thanked him in front of the disbelieving priest. The man's wife was with him and kissed Fr. Michel. She said he was fine when they married but after that he got possessed. But now he's back to the man that she married. His friend the priest changed his mind and believed that the devil exists.… Source
- As a child he and his brother were walking and as they approached the lake, all of a sudden, the ground opened underneath Michel, and two four-foot, animal-like hands with long nails surged up from the underworld, grabbed his leg, and began pulling him forcefully underground. His brother grabbed Michel’s hands and tried to pull him out, but the beast was stronger. “I’m finished!” thought Michel. Remembering the Virgin Mary, he screamed, “Mary, Mother of God, please, please help me!” A strong force suddenly yanked him out of the hole, and he ran back to the house. (source)
- He says, hell is in the middle of the earth. He went to the ancient Church in Lyon built by Iraneous. There was a portal to hell covered by the Baptismal font which has sealed its entry. "I went into the Church and knew immediately, and I told the guy (tour guide?). He said 'it's true but nobody knows that', then he said here is the story of that … and he told us that."
- Our lady said to Fr. Michel "give this message to the Bishop and if he accepts it I will heal his cancer." (source)
- He didn't have money but needed it to go to Medjugorje, because Our Lady told him to go … He got a check from an old teaching assignment where they previously underpaid him (source). He was previously infused with doctrinal and theological knowledge that allowed him to easily get a doctorate.
UPDATE Jan 2021
A close friend spent several hours with Fr. Michel and provided this summary of the meeting with generous permission to publish. It is for the faithful to discern, rather than a CatholicBridge endorsemenent:
Fr. Michel presented as a humble man, no airs, no judgement, he was kind, curious and reverent.
At the time of the Illumination [of Conscience] those who say 'yes' to God will be healed from the "v" [that is injected into the body]. Priests are to give the Sacrament of Reconciliation to those who repent of taking the "v", and when the time comes for the refuges they will be healed of any side effects. [We can't say the "v" word for fear of search engine punishment].
Masks are a masquerade, they cover up the truth and prevent truth from being proclaimed. The Church cannot allow itself to fall in line with/under civil authorities. The spirit of compromise is what has prevented priests from standing up for the truth. They need to fight against masks and all that hinders the sacraments ... and Fr. Michel believes the masks hinder this.
He says it is the Holy Family that is taking care of everything.
He told me the story of the angel's visit to him to direct him to buy all of the supplies in advance [of building his monastary] by Jan 4, 2021. He encouraged his contractors to do the same for their business. Fr. Michel saved $350,000 doing this. His plumber was amazed at how this helped his business also.
He talked about the images in the Sun in Fatima and how there will soon be a similar phenomenon with a great 'shaking' of the sun, followed by a [global vision] of St Joseph holding Jesus, then Our Lady of Sorrows, Our Lady of Mount Carmel (protection of refuges) and the Immaculate Heart of Mary (her triumph begins to unfold).
After the illumination we will have 40 days and the refuges will begin. We need 3 months worth of food as all Catholics will be a temporary refuge until everyone gets to the permanent refuge.
Our prayer and a summary
We are praying for Fr. Michel, for the Bishop, and for those at Countdown to the Kingdom, that the Lord's will be done and that the people of God be given what they need in these strange times. Regardless of whether the message is truly prophetic, its always a good idea to be prepared for the Apocalypse, because although we don't know when the 7 seals will be broken, we do know that we could die at any moment. The Lord has told us to keep oil in our lamps. (Matthew 25:1-13)
Lord, help us discern these times!
Originally written July 2020. Last update was April, 2023. This page has received approximately 100,000 views and counting. We will continue post any information we receive. So far we have received no corroboration of the events listed above that Fr. Michel has claimed to have had, nor have we got a response to our letter to Fr. Rodrigue. It does not appear that he will respond to our inquiries. But the world sure is getting crazy. Buckle up!
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