UFOs as a Religion

Adapted from Daniel O'Connor's watershed book " Only Man Bears his Image" (Oct. 2023).

UFology takes many cues from the True Faith, and it has carefully constructed its own promulgation on the model of Christian Religion.

Components of Christian Religion Perversion in UFology
The persecuted prophets of Salvation History leading up to the revelation of Christ The persecuted early promoters of UFO/ET sightings, leading up to the “Day of Disclosure”
The Pharisees crafting a conspiracy and claiming the Resurrection was faked, and that Jesus’ body was simply stolen The government crafting a conspiracy to cover up UFO craft and retrievals of alien bodies
The account of Creation and Salvation History in Scripture, wherein mankind has been guided for millennia by the Holy Spirit A diabolical creation myth, wherein mankind has been guided for millennia by extraterrestrials, or was even created by them
The Four Evangelists authoring the Gospels Several men authoring foundational UFO/ET texts
Evangelization: each Christian has a mission to proclaim the Faith Each ET believer has a duty to spread “ET awareness” and contribute to “ontological shock” Profession of Faith ET/UFO “True Believers” denounce any skepticism
Liturgy Communal ET-contact sessions (e.g. “CE5”) & UFO-chasing Private revelations and mysticism Alien abductees announce what they were told and shown
Prayer and contemplation Astral-projection and remote viewing
Eschatology: hope in Christ’s triumph and His coming Anticipation of an imminent techno-utopia heralded by the arrival of the ETs
A complete worldview based on the Word of God A complete worldview based on UFOs, ETs, multiverse-theory, evolution, & interdimensionality

In this regard, however, perhaps the clearest aspect of this diabolical effort to ape the things of God is found in the Ufologists’ insistence that the aliens are capable, through their technology, of all the same basic categories of miracles that Christ used to prove his Divinity and thus demonstrate the truth of the Faith.

There are several accomplishments in particular which Christians are instructed, through the Gospel, to regard as physically impossible; precisely because Jesus chose these feats to demonstrate His dominion and thus His Divinity. Therefore, for a Christian to suppose that such feats as these could be accomplished through technology, is to succumb to deception merely by entertaining the possibility, and implicitly undermine the very fundamental source of Christianity’s authenticity. Let us review each.

Miracle Demonstrating Christ’s Divinity UFO Deception Aping God
Instantaneous healings (abundant in the Gospels) Many claims of healings through ETs
Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes (Matthew 14) :Law of Conservation of Mass superseded UFOs are said to be similarly capable of violating Conservation of Mass, e.g., radically and instantaneously changing size
Walking on the water (Mark 6): Law of Gravity superseded UFOs are said to have technological mastery over gravity
Knowing the unknowable: the future (e.g., Matthew 24, Matthew 17:24-27), a person’s secret past (e.g., John 1 & 4); a person’s thoughts (e.g. Matthew 12) Abductees often claim the aliens read their minds and knew their thoughts. Ufologists regularly insist the ETs can describe the future
Instantaneous transformation of the substance of one thing into another (e.g., water turned into wine, cf. John 2) UFOs and ETs can “shapeshift” and become completely different entities in an instant
Teleportation (e.g., after the Resurrection, Jesus would appear inside a locked room, cf. John 20) UFOs are frequently said to be able to disappear and immediately reappear elsewhere
Power over the weather (e.g., Jesus calms the storm, cf. Mark 4) UFO sightings often recount major weather modifications by these “alien” craft
Raising the dead: Lazarus (John 11), Jairus’ daughter (Mark 5), the Widow’s Son (Luke 7), and above all, Himself (The Resurrection) (This, the ultimate proof of Christ’s Divinity is also the hardest for demons to fake, hence the relative rarity of such claims. Be on guard, though, for when such claims proliferate. Although they will be deceptions, they may be a sign of the proximity of the formal opening of the Great Deception.)

The deceiver will be alien or alien friendly

All faithful Christians know that:

  • At some point before the end, there will indeed be: A “Strong Delusion” permitted by God. (2 Thessalonians 2:11)
  • A Great Deception wherein men “wander into myths” (2 Timothy 4:4)
  • Embrace the “teachings of demons.” (1 Timothy 4:1)
  • An Antichrist, the “Lawless One,” who will claim to be “god” and who will seduce most of the world into his dominion. (2 Thessalonians 2:4)
  • A lie promoted by an outpouring of false “signs and wonders” wrought by demons. (2 Thessalonians 2:9)
  • A Deception that will succeed not only in ensnaring the Godless, but also many Christians. (Matthew 24:22)
  • A “religious deception” that offers men an “apparent solution to their problems” at the price of “apostasy from the truth.” (Catechism, §675)
  • A Deception that manages to fundamentally undermine everything in the Faith, even while pretending to preserve it, for it will involve “holding the form of religion, but denying its power.” (2 Timothy 3:5)

Nothing close to the ET Deception is satisfying everything we know to expect in the Great Deception itself.

Although the ET Deception was present in ancient Paganism (and has remained ever present in Buddhism and Hinduism), it was expelled from Christianity at its onset, and only reared its head in Christendom exactly when one would expect to see the beginnings of the Great Deception; namely, during the “Enlightenment,” in the 1800's wherein the wholesale replacement of God with science began.

In the centuries that followed, it produced thoroughly rotten fruit everywhere it emerged. The Devil—lacking Omniscience—needed much time to test out this Deception to assess its effectiveness. Having settled, by the 20th century, that it would give him everything he wanted, he wasted no time unleashing its formal phase at Roswell. (It is a time which perfectly aligns with the moment when Satan’s “75 to 100” years of heightened power, prophesied by Pope Leo XIII, likely began.)

The years leading up to Pope St. Paul VI warning that the “smoke of Satan” from the “pagan prophets of science” had entered the Church of God were precisely the years this Deception became especially popular among men in the Vatican. And now, in the 2020s, as every other sign indicates we are truly entering the apocalyptic events foretold in Scripture, the ET Deception is suddenly exploding in unprecedented proportions.

We know that the Antichrist will claim to be “god.” But how could he do this in a way that is most effective to the tickling ears of modern men, who want nothing to do with the One True God? The answer is immediately evident: by claiming a pseudo-Divinity based on “science, technology, and evolution.”

As science-fiction is the prevailing modern myth, he will undoubtedly use that as his own origin-myth. I do not believe the Antichrist would be so foolish as to claim that he himself is literally the “Uncreated Creator, the Divine Nature, Subsistent Being Itself,” as that would push his devotees away from the very “scientific” atheism he will desire to be prevalent.

Instead, he will perhaps claim:

“Like Jesus, I am an extraterrestrial. But I have evolved much further still, and I am bringing you the truly deepest, and truly definitive, Revelation. He spoke in ways that were amenable to unscientific societies. Now I can give you the real story.”

There may be other modern lies that provide convenient pretenses for one claiming a pseudo-Divinity, but none rival the potential allure of an “alien savior.”

This is an excerpt/summary of some of the key points in Daniel O'Connor's book " Only Man Bears his Image" (released Oct. 2023). This book is a watershed work in the fight for the heart of the Church. O'Connor, Daniel (pp. 429-432). St. Joseph's Solutions